Pictures Page
If you have pictures you would like to share please email them to
St. Pius X youth Christmas Music Recital
Fr. Louis' trip to Guadalupe Mexico
Fr. Louis' trip to Guadalupe Mexico
Fr. Louis' trip to Guadalupe Mexico
CCWM angels preparing Christmas totes for the homebound and residents at Aspen Health.
Feast of the Assumption
A statue of Mary was donated to St. Pius X. After Mass a procession was led by Fr. Louis to bless the new statue of Mary.
The youth of St. Pius X sang at the Mass of The Assumption.
After Mass and the blessing of the new statue a celebration with Root Beer Floats was served!
We say Good By and thank you to Fr. Bala for his ministry to all of us. You will be missed. We pray for God's blessing on you and your new assignment at St. Bridget's in River Falls, Wi and St. Mary's Immaculate Conception in Hammond, WI.
Farewell and Thank You Reception for Fr. Bala
St. pius X children at the Chrism Mass
St. pius X children at the Chrism Mass
CCWM Gals with 2023 Christmas Totes
Amazing work ladies!
CCWM Card Making 2023
CCWM spent time making beautiful cards to give for Christmas and ended a lovely morning with a delicious meal.
CCWM spent time making beautiful cards to give for Christmas and ended a lovely morning with a delicious meal.
All Souls Day
Eternal rest grant unto them
O Lord, and may Your perpetual light shine upon them for all eternity. Amen
All Saints Day
CCWM Bake and Craft Sale at Henson's Groceries in Minong on Saturday, September 2, 2023.
Thank you to Millie Thisson, Cathy Ney and the many volunteers who helped make this a wonderful sale!
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Feast of the Assumption
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Tri Parish Appreciation and Community Picnic
Congratulations to Nancy Ahlert of St. Mary’s parish, who won the 50/50 raffle at our Tri- Parish and Community picnic.
May the Month of Mary
May Crowning at
St. Mary's
Madonna Collection at St.Mary's
God Bless
Ava Burger who was confirmed on May 5
God Bless Penelope Duncan on her First Holy Communion on May 7
Celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation and First Holy Communion.
Celebrating Mag's Birthday at the CCWM meeting. May God bless you Mag and grant you many years!
Congratulations Fr. Bala on your 27th Anniversary of Priestly Ordianation!
God Bless Fr. Bala
CCWM Easter Card Making 2023
CCWM Easter Card Making
CCWM Easter Card Making