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Extraordinary Ministers of  Holy Communion

If ordinary ministers of Holy Communion are not present,  "the priest may call upon extraordinary ministers to assist him, i.e., duly instituted acolytes or even other faithful who have been deputed for this purpose. In case of necessity, the priest may also depute suitable faithful for this single occasion (GIRM 162)."


Click to view the Diocesan Guidelines for Extraordinary Ministers


According to the ancient tradition and the teaching of the Church, the readings other than the Gospel are proclaimed by lectors or lay ministers called readers. Readers are those members of the laity who proclaim the scriptures in the liturgy.


Click to view the Diocesan Guidelines for Readers

Lay Ministers of Prayer

Our cluster is fortunate to have certified Lay Ministers of Prayer. "In the absence of both a priest and a deacon, upon the request and recommendation of the pastor, the bishop is to appoint persons, lay or religious, who are to be entrusted with the care of leading celebrations, namely, with leading the prayers, with the ministry of the word, and when it is to be included in the celebration, with giving holy communion."

Aspen Health (Middle River) Ministry

Every Friday a group of parishioners visit the residents of the Aspen Health nursing home bringing them communion and friendship. Fr. Bala holds a mass there every Friday at 10:30 am. If  you would like to join this group please contact the office; 715-378-4431 ext 2.


Parish Council

Catholic Council of Women and Men


Tri-Parish of St. Pius, St. Anthony, and St. Mary's


Constitution: ARTICLE III


Section I: The purpose of this organization shall be to foster spiritual and social benefits among the members of the Tri-Parishes. Members shall strive to set a good example to all by their virtuous life, ideal devotion and constant charity. They shall endeavor to take an active part in Catholic Action whenever called upon to do so whether individually or as an organization.


Section II: This organization shall undertake ways and means of helping the church financially with the consent of and the direction of the Pastor.


Section III: This organization shall continue the custom of providing a luncheon at the time of a funeral. Members will help at all Tri-Parish funerals.



Liturgy Committee
Tri-Parish Cluster of Catholic Churches of St. Pius, St. Mary and St. Anthony
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