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Our Mission:

We are called and outfitted by God’s grace to be a community of true disciples, gathered in prayer and worship, sharing the Universal Church’s mission of evangelization and service.


Welcome to our Parishes!

St. Pius X             St. Anthony             St. Mary's 

Solon Springs, WI     Gordon, WI          Minong, WI


Tri-parish Office

PO Box 303

11651 Bus. Hwy. 53

Solon Springs, WI 54873


New Email Address:

Fr. Louis Maram Reddy

Cell: 715-612-3069








February Weekly Calendar

The month of February is dedicated to the 

Holy Family of  Jesus, Mary and Joseph

JMonday, February 17  The 7 Holy Founders of the Servite



Office Closed 


Tuesday,  February 18  

St. Pius X:  Mass 8:30 am


Wednesday,  February 19  St. Agatha

St. Mary’s: Mass 9 am

St. Pius X: Liturgy Committee Meeting 1 pm


Thursday, February 20  

St. Anthony: Mass 9 am


​ Friday, February 21   

St. Pius X: Mass: 8:30 am 

 Aspen Health: No Mass 


Saturday,  February 22 The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle

 St. Anthony: Mass 4 pm

Mass Intention: Dolly Cosgrove


Sunday,  February 23  7th.Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Pius X: Mass  8:30 am

Mass Intention: Adreinne Peil

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: 10 - 11:30 am

Youth Group - 6 - 7:30 pm


St. Mary’s: Mass 10:30 am

Mass Intention: Wes Johnson


















​​If you have anything to share please be sure to send it to Pictures are especially welcome. Also, be sure to ‘refresh’ the website page often to ensure that you are viewing the most current information.

Also, remember to check out the tri-parish on Facebook 


Electronic Giving


Make it easier to continue your giving especially during these times by choosing to enroll in electronic giving. Information and forms can be found at:



Support our Advertisers


The revenue from the businesses that advertise on the back page of the bulletin pays for the printing of the weekly bulletin. Please support these businesses.



Tri-Parish Cluster of Catholic Churches of St. Pius, St. Mary and St. Anthony
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